Saturday, September 3, 2016

Saturday Snickers

We can't be serious all the time. Here's a look-in at Steven Hayward's weekly compilation of mots, witty sayings, recaptioned photos, and cartoons, as posted at Power Line.  My favorites:

A poster of the sort you see promoting safety in manufacturing plants, this one says
Number of Days Since the 
Last Clinton Scandal

The famous photo of a guy in a gorilla suit running through the snowy woods, captioned:
Still More Believable
Than Hillary Clinton

A bumper sticker with a photo of Kaepernick, captioned on one side:
Does this Ass.    => 
Make My Car Look

A poster with the following pithy pair of questions:
If Muslims are so 
peaceful ... why are so
many people afraid 
to offend them?

If Christians are so
dangerous, why is 
no one afraid to
offend them?

A lovely photo of a whole tasty pile of cooked bacon strips, captioned:
Bacon is the
duct tape of the
kitchen. It can
fix everything.

A cartoon of a Volkswagen bus painted hippie-style with peace symbols, rainbows, and flowers. Sitting upright in the two front seats are two kittens, each with a thought balloon. The first asks:
What do you call a hippie's wife?
The second replies: