Friday, May 4, 2018

Not a Glitch, It's a Feature

I've plugged the columns of Kurt Schlichter, an angry advocate on the right. He is indeed fun to read. Another good choice, when you need somebody to tell off the snowflakes, SJWs and assorted America-hating a**holes of the left, is Andrew Klavan who blogs at PJ Media.

Today he takes on the absurd cultural appropriation fixation of many on the left.
Cultural appropriation is not a glitch of American life. It's a feature. It's part of what makes the country great. We take your culture, we get rid of the oppression, the mass murder, the slavery, the intransigent poverty and the endless internecine wars. We keep the pasta and the funny hats, and occasionally we dress up as you on Halloween. It's a good deal for everyone.
Klavan's basic response to claims of cultural appropriation is "Bite me!" COTTonLINE concurs. A hat tip to Stephen Green, guest blogging at Instapundit, for the link.