Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Attempted Destruction

Seeking to understand why the Obama administration would spy on a Trump campaign nearly everyone believed would lose, Instapundit Glenn Reynolds reprints a 13 June 2016 Tweet by Obama Senior Advisor David Plouffe:
It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He
must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must
not rise again.
Followed by Reynolds’ editorial reaction:
So I think it wasn’t so much about winning an election through dirty tricks, but about something even dirtier, looking for a way to prosecute and bankrupt Trump after he lost, as a warning to others. An awful lot of people involved in this should wind up in jail, disbarred, and unemployed.
To date we’ve only achieved a part of the “unemployed,” several more need to leave government under a cloud. Future work must produce results on the “jail” and “disbarred” parts of that indictment. Echoing Plouffe, one is tempted to write of the Obamacrats, “Their kind must not rise again.”