Monday, May 28, 2018

Krugman Right ... Pigs Aloft

My general opinion: whatever Paul Krugman of the NY Times writes is wrong a priori. However, Steven Hayward at Power Line posts two Krugman Tweets about the political turmoil in Italy I actually agree with. The first says:
This is really awful: you don't have to
like the populist parties who won a clear
electoral mandate to be appalled at the
attempt to exclude them from power
because they want a eurosceptic
finance minister 1/
The second says:
Faith in the single currency trumps
democracy? Really? European
institutions already suffering lack of
legitimacy due to democratic deficit.
This will make things much worse 2/
Honestly, I couldn't say it better than that. Has Krugman experienced an epiphany? Naah.