Monday, June 30, 2008

Good News

Americans are essentially optimistic about life in the United States, according to a recent Rasmussen Poll reported in this Washington Times article. Here are the key grafs, which quote Rasmussen:
It found that a majority - 55 percent - believe "that just about anyone who really wants to work can find a job in the United States." Less than a third disagreed with the idea.

"By a similar margin, 54 percent to 28 percent, Americans believe that just about anyone brought up in poverty can achieve a middle class lifestyle."

So...gasoline prices are up, housing values are down, and the political fortunes of the party of the successful - the Republicans - are said to be bleak. However, the opinions expressed in this poll by majorities are basic tenets of Republican belief, viewed as arrant nonsense by Democrats.

Is there a ray of hope here? Maybe Republican candidates who focus on these themes will find that majorities of voters will agree with them.