Thursday, June 19, 2008

Israel Rehearses Iran Attack

The New York Times reports that Israel has carried out a dress rehearsal of an aerial attack on Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities. According to the article, the IDF flew F-15 and F-16 fighter bombers a distance equivalent to the round trip to Natanz, Iran. Aerial tankers and rescue helicopters also participated in the exercise.

On Monday, June 16, 2008, this blog linked to an article which predicted an Israeli air attack on Iran's nuclear facilities before year's end. Now we learn that Israel has done a rehearsal. I'd guess the lads in Tehran are beginning to get nervous.

That Iranian nervousness helps explain why their client Hamas has signed a 6 month ceasefire with Israel. It is no coincidence that 6 months is about the time left between now and the end both of the year and the Bush administration. Metaphorically speaking, that ceasefire is Iran offering Israel a conditional carrot in the hope of staving off the Israeli stick.

This situation puts me in mind of Prussian King Frederick the Great, speaking about relationships between nations:

Diplomacy without arms is like music without instruments.

The music I hear is the Tel Aviv Symphony playing Iranian President Ahmadinejad's song.