Monday, June 9, 2008

More Disturbing News

This post reflects two different Associated Press articles; one concerning declining crime rates for everybody except black males, the other concerning the very high genital herpes rate in New York City. These do not constitute good news.

It turns out that the overall violent crime rate is dropping, but the violent death rate among young black men continues to rise. This rise is masked by the decline within the larger population, of which African-Americans constitute perhaps 12%. I find it hard to believe that this increase in violent death is independent of the violence-drenched hip-hop, gangsta culture.

The other article talks about how one New York adult in four has genital herpes. That sounds terrible until you read further and learn that roughly one in five citizens of the U.S. has genital herpes. The source of this data is the city Health Department in New York.

The article adds that people with this disease are twice as likely to contract HIV/AIDS. One suspects that this correlation is not causal but rather evidence that both herpes and HIV are correlated with certain lifestyle choices.