Monday, June 9, 2008

The Wrong Argument

John McCain continues to argue "We're not going to round up 10 million people, my friends, and deport them immediately, we don't have the capacity to do so." (quote found here). This is a spurious argument, but not necessarily for the reasons given.

If we make it somewhere between difficult and impossible for illegal aliens to find and hold jobs in the U.S., they will (a) stop coming, and (b) go home. This we can do by requiring employers to check Social Security numbers against a government computer data base.

We may have to provide some assistance to those wishing to go home, but if there are no jobs they won't come back. All that then remains is to plug the "political refugee" loophole by placing the burden of proof on the alien and setting the bar somewhat high.

John McCain doesn't want to admit he was wrong when he coauthored a Senate bill to essentially legalize 10-12 million illegal aliens. He needs to get a clue, eat that crow, and move on.