Friday, April 17, 2009

Climate Change Revisited

Instead of "global warming," perhaps we should be talking about "climate change" which does seem to be happening. I have links to two Australian articles (here and here) which say the Antarctic ice is growing and another from NASA which says the Arctic ice is shrinking. Since most of the world's fresh water is tied up in ice at the south polar region, the growth of Antarctic ice is important. Meanwhile, this USA Today article says 2009 so far is the eighth warmest year on record. As I write this, Denver and Cheyenne are experiencing a lot of unusually late snow.

No doubt about it, the climate is changing. It has changed before and will change again. We'd better figure out how to live with the changes, for we cannot stop them. They are a fact of life on planet Earth.

Are we contributing to the changes? Nobody knows. What is absolutely certain is that such changes have happened in the past with no human intervention. The AGW (anthropogenic global warming) folks exhibit considerable hubris to think humans are now in charge of the world's climate.