Sunday, April 12, 2009

That's More Like It

This Associated Press article and this Washington Post article report that the pirate-captured U.S. ship captain hostage has been rescued, apparently by the U.S. Navy Seals. Way to go, guys (and gals). Even better news, it is reported that three of the four Somalis holding him were shot and killed while the captain is alive and more or less well. A dead pirate doesn't need convicting in a criminal court, where he would become a hero to the world's moonbats.

Yesterday's posting entitled "Wusses in the 21st Century" complained about the lack of action against these "pirates." You could argue that today's news makes that posting premature, but the larger issue remains.

The developed world, which owns the cargo ships, still has no strategy to deal with a ragtag bunch of sea-going kidnappers-for-ransom. Reacting to individual instances of banditry is useful but is like treating people after they get sick rather than trying to prevent disease. I repeat, that is pathetic.