Thursday, April 2, 2009

Clinton, Feinstein Screw Up

Secretary Clinton and Senator Feinstein have been quoted as saying that 90 percent of the illegal firearms used in crimes in Mexico come from the U.S. Check out this Fox News article which debunks this oft-quoted "statistic." It turns out the true statistic is more like 17 percent. Here is the explanation:

What's true is that over 90 percent of the traced (emphasis added) firearms originate from the U.S. But a large percentage of the guns recovered in Mexico do not get sent back to the U.S. for tracing, because it is obvious from their markings that they do not come from the U.S.

For example, many of the arms captured in Mexico are automatic weapons, in other words, some variety of machine gun. Such weapons are not for sale in U.S. gun shops. Other weapons confiscated are grenades or rockets, none of which are sold to civilians here. Go see the article for a complete explanation.