Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pakistan Eroding

See this CNN article which reports the Taliban is increasing its hold on Pakistan, and getting nearer the capital, Islamabad. It feels like they will gradually take over the country, or at least the northern and Afghani border sections.

The Taliban are ethnically different from the inhabitants of the south and may not make inroads there, it depends on whether language/ethnicity is a stronger bond than religious similarity. Pakistani politics are essentially tribal, there is no national identity or consensus except dislike for India and, to a lesser extent, the West.

This situation is very bad news for the developed world: the Taliban are disciplined feudalistic fanatics with a good chance of obtaining nuclear weapons. The toughest part is that nobody knows what to do about it. At one point in world history the problem would have been solved with a military invasion and occupation. I cannot see any modern nation developing the will to accomplish this today unless, perhaps, India...?