Saturday, April 25, 2009

NYT: A Balanced View of Cheney

The New York Times has been notorious for its leftward bias during the election campaign of 2008. Now it publishes a relatively balanced article about the role and current activities of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Author John Harwood neither defends nor attacks Cheney; it appears to be a largely straight forward job of reporting. Here is my favorite Harwood quote:
Dick Cheney became a one-of-a-kind vice president for two reasons: he cared deeply about governance, and not a bit about his future political standing.
Harwood also repeats one of my favorite Cheney quotes, which echos these beliefs:
Reminded last year in a television interview that most Americans considered the Iraq war not worth fighting, Mr. Cheney responded, “So?”
That's my neighbor Dick Cheney, still true to Wyoming after all those years in Washington.