Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Cillizza: Clinton's Lies Exposed

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza is normally in the tank for Democrats, no surprise at WaPo which has a Tower of Pisa-like lean to the left. That only makes his characterization of FBI Director Comey's briefing on the Clinton email investigation more striking, see what Cillizza wrote:
It’s hard to read Comey’s statement as anything other than a wholesale rebuke of the story Clinton and her campaign team have been telling ever since the existence of her private email server came to light in spring 2015. She did send and receive classified emails. The setup did leave her — and the classified information on the server — subject to a possible foreign hack. She and her team did delete emails as personal that contained professional information.

Those are facts, facts delivered by the Justice Department of a Democratic administration. And those facts run absolutely counter to the narrative put forth by the Clinton operation: that this whole thing was a Republican witch-hunt pushed by a bored and adversarial media.

For a candidate already badly struggling on questions of whether she is honest and trustworthy enough to hold the office to which she aspires, Comey’s comments are devastating.
A country dumb enough to elect this deeply dishonest woman president deserves its fate.