Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Stench of Clinton Corruption

David Harsanyi is Senior Editor at The Federalist, his topic today is the FBI decision not to recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton. He concludes:
Many people have been prosecuted for far less, including John Deutch, Sandy Berger, David Petraeus, and lesser-known names. Comey’s own words tell us Hillary should have met a similar fate. Hillary will campaign with Barack Obama today, creating the perception that the fix was in. Yesterday, a week after her husband had a private meeting with the Attorney General, some Democrats signaled through a New York Times story that Hillary would probably rehire Loretta Lynch. The stench of Clinton corruption is back. She is above the law. And there is no one to stop her.
As Michael Walsh wrote, under the nom de plume of David Kahane, as quoted by Ed Driscoll at PJ Media,
Think of the Democratic Party as what it really is: a criminal organization masquerading as a political party.