Sunday, February 17, 2019

Another Hate Crime Con

It is reported in various outlets that actor Jussie Smollett hired two ‘actors’ from Nigeria to stage the ‘attack’ on him, an effort they perhaps even ‘rehearsed.’ Known for his role in the Empire TV series, his is the most recent in a long string of ‘hate crime’ hoaxes going back at least to the Tawana Brawley hoax midwived by Al Sharpton.

This is so common an occurrence that smart people treat all hate crime claims with deep skepticism. Don’t include legacy media in the “smart people” category, they’ll keep pouncing on each new claim with undisguised glee.

Charlie Brown keeps believing this time, unlike every time in the past, Lucy will finally let him kick that ball. The media haven’t learned to be extra careful about believing things they desperately want to be true. It is a human weakness con artists have taken advantage of ...
since forever.

Later ... see a Gail Heriot post at Instapundit for a list of hoax ‘hate crimes.’