Thursday, February 14, 2019

Emergency Declaration Imminent?

The Daily News (U.K.) reports the White House will sign the compromise bill giving President Trump much less than he asked for to build his border wall, while keeping the government open. They report he will - at the same time - declare an emergency and redirect other funds to build a lot more wall. If true, this is excellent news.

Attempting to dissuade Trump, Speaker Pelosi indicates a future Democrat president might declare an emergency to confiscate all the privately owned guns. She might want to rethink that threat.

Molon labe - would you want to be tasked with forcibly collecting Americans’ guns? It could get you killed and/or trigger a civil war. Guess which side has most of the weaponry? Yep, the NRA’s side.

Build the wall, Mr. President. Do whatever it takes, your reelection depends on it.