Friday, February 8, 2019

Turkish ‘Delight’

RealClearWorld links to an article in War on the Rocks which describes the reasons why U.S.-Turkey relations have gotten so rocky. This statement in particular caught my eye.
Turkey does not think in terms of national interests because it has almost completed its transformation into a Russian-style kleptocratic “guided democracy.” In such a system, the political survival of a power elite becomes the sole strategic objective and the institutional means of safeguarding national interests are delegated to mere tactical tools.
It is worth remembering that Turkish President Recep Erdogan famously said, as a young politician:
Democracy is like a train: when you reach your destination, you get off.
Clearly Erdogan has reached his destination - the undisputed leadership of Turkey. He has disembarked, shedding democracy like a worn-out pair of shoes.