Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Posts have been somewhat sparse lately, I can't get excited about the claims of election finagling I've seen so far. Someone will have to come up with something actionable to get me to care. I'm not holding my breath. 

I view the next administration with at least as much dread as Clinton supporters must have felt about the advent of Trump. Much depends on what happens in Georgia, and that won't be known for weeks.

Posts may be even more uncommon over the next several days, the DrsC have a road trip laid on. We have business in another state. More about this at a later date, in early 2021. 

In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, and in the words of the Moody Blues, "breathe deep the gathering gloom." Gathering gloom is what we'll have as we approach the shortest day of the year, coming up in less than 3 weeks.

Gatherings are O.U.T. with virus on the rampage, but Christmas music is still some of our most beautiful. I'll be at Youtube listening to Mannheim Steamroller, among others. I also recommend A la nanita na na by the Cheetah Girls, a Spanish lullaby of considerable charm.

Quite a few people are decorating their homes with colored lights this year, always pleasant to look at. The tree lots have sprung up, and the smell of a fresh conifer is a treat. 

With a bit of ingenuity you can still have a merry Christmas season. Go for it.