Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Milestone

Yesterday the DrsC got their second dose of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, got it early and then spent much of the day driving south. This morning I’m having a mild reaction thereto, some achy joints, nothing ugly. 

We’re visiting with some relatives yesterday and today, before heading for Nevada to watch our new winter place being constructed. I guess you could call this a farewell tour of CA, although I know we’ll be back to visit, perhaps even to vacation for a midwinter month or so. 

This is a big adventure we’re embarking upon, albeit not the first or even second time we’re done something similar. By my count, it is the fourth time we’ve headed off into the (somewhat) unknown to reside, not just to visit. 

BTW, there are some new photos of the NV building site and our foundation, found here.