Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Turning Off the Paying Customers

Ed Driscoll, an Instapundit regular, links to this Front Office Sports article about viewership of the 2021 Super Bowl. As you might guess, viewership was down.

The puzzling drop in sports TV viewership continues with the Super Bowl falling to its lowest numbers in 15 years.

Super Bowl 55 drew a 38.2 TV rating, also down 8% from 41.6 last year. That made it the lowest-rated Super Bowl since Joe Namath and the New York Jets’ Super Bowl III win over the Baltimore Colts 52 years ago, according to Sports Media Watch.

Believe it or not, in speculating about reasons for the reduced ratings, the article never mentions that a significant portion of the NFL’s audience is turned off by the BLM messaging on display. The satirical site The Babylon Bee headlined it thus:

Conservatives Sit Down For A Relaxing Evening Of Being Insulted By Every Major Corporation In America

As noted, a significant segment of conservatives chose to use their time in other pursuits. This makes the TV ads worth less as they attracted fewer eyeballs.