Friday, February 5, 2021

Wise Words

Robert Stacy McCain, aka “the other McCain,” writes wise words about the pernicious effects of identity politics for The American Spectator.

The challenge for Americans, if we are to survive this destructive barrage of toxic identity-politics propaganda, is to see through the motives of those who seek to divide us. The vast majority of Americans do not spend their days stewing in resentment over “systemic” oppression.

We are not a nation of victims, and neither are we a nation of oppressors. Most of us are just trying to get through the week, pay our bills, and live the best life we can. And the best way to do that is still by clinging to those “little platoons” Burke so eloquently described. Our faith, our family, our community — real people we actually know, and not strangers chattering on the internet — are our genuine tribes.

This is likely the only life you’ll have. Choose to live as a winner, not as a victim.