Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Spat, Disparaged

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former President Donald Trump both have leadership roles in the Republican Party. During the four years just concluded, each of the two accomplished many good things for our country.

Each of these worthies has been taking shots at the other recently. I fervently hope they will stop this fratricide.

I share McConnell’s impatience with the President’s post-election meltdown, although calling it “incitement to insurrection” seems extreme. I share Trump’s irritation when a supposed ally publicly takes him to task instead of privately sharing his concerns. 

So, yes, each has reason to be a bit sore with the other, and to desire to get even. Getting even is, however, the wrong thing to do. The good of  the party should come first, and their spat is not what the GOP needs from each.

These gentlemen need to man up, swallow their anger, and get on with electing lots of Rs in 2022. Throwing rocks at each other doesn’t help the cause.