Monday, March 1, 2021

An Inventory of Idiocy

Written for RealClearPolitics, a summary of essentially insane views demanded by the left in today’s America. Think of them as 21 bullet points outlining a societal descent into madness, courtesy of Gad Saad’s The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense. You need to read the whole list, here is a sample:

Fourteen, it is now racist to publicly proclaim your support for "wrongthink" black individuals such as Thomas Sowell or Larry Elder.

Fifteen, it is now misogynist to note that women greatly outnumber men in universities.

Sixteen, it is now sexist to publish scientific research that yields sex differences that are contrary to accepted politically correct Orthodoxy.

The other 18 are just as relevant and just as crazy. I vote for common sense, in defiance of “right-think.”