Saturday, March 20, 2021

Diplomatic Disaster

You may have heard U.S. diplomats met the Chinese in Anchorage, AK, and maybe heard the meeting didn’t go well for our side. Power Line’s John Hinderaker quotes the London Times view of it.

The Chinese side came to the talks in Alaska prepared to counter every US rebuke with one of their own. To the charge of Chinese cyberattacks, Yang said that “the US is the champion” while in response to the repression of Uighurs being labelled as genocide, he said that the US was guilty of the slaughter of black Americans.

 To which Hinderaker adds this pithy analysis:

The Chinese are not stupid. They know that the Democrats’ peddling BLM mythology disables them from defending the United States against such attacks, and they take full advantage of the Biden administration’s weakness.

So the Chinese ate our lunch while SecState Antony Blinken (and President Biden) looked foolish and weak. I wonder if the ChiComs were hungry again an hour later?