Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Phone-It-In Presidency

We don’t know for sure, but it appears that President Biden will not deliver the usual State of the Union address to Congress and the nation. One is inclined to suspect he and his advisors realize he will not be able to deliver the sort of speech of which he could be proud. Rather than embarrass himself, he chooses not to do it. 

Meanwhile “Dr.” Jill Biden has been giving a credible imitation of Edith Wilson, as she hovers at Joe’s shoulder and prompts him when he does do a stumbling public appearance. Meanwhile the 25th amendment lurks in the background, waiting for someone in authority to organize a removal. 

How did we get into this ridiculous situation? An evil combination of  a pandemic which excused a do-nothing candidacy, a badly divided Democratic Party which could only agree on a burned-out cypher, and Trump Derangement Syndrome activating otherwise indifferent voters. Plus all sorts of voting and vote counting shenanigans excused by the Covid scare.