Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Suburban Wildlife

John Hinderaker of Power Line reports he saw and photographed a bald eagle in his backyard, causing him to pen the following:
For whatever reason, we are living in a golden age of suburban wildlife.
No lie. I often see hawks, buzzards, the odd eagle, coyotes, deer, jack and bunny rabbits, not to mention rattlesnakes on or near our CA property. Admittedly our area is more exurban than suburban.

A neighbor had a mountain lion napping by her garage. None of this was common when I was young, several decades ago in a similarly semi-rural part of CA. I'm inclined to agree with this Hinderaker thought:
For whatever reason, more and more formerly-seldom-seen species are finding it congenial to live in proximity to humans.
The reason is fewer young males with BB or pellet guns and .22s, taking a shot at whatever moves. I'm not proud to say that was me too many years ago, me and my trusty Red Ryder Daisy lever-action carbine.