Monday, March 21, 2016

Suspicions Confirmed

The New York Post reports the following vis-a-vis the FBI's Clinton email investigation. Hat tip to Drudge Report for the link.
FBI chief James Comey and his investigators are increasingly certain that presidential nominee Hillary Clinton violated laws in handling classified government information through her private email server, career agents say.

Some expect him to push for charges, but he faces a formidable obstacle: the political types in the Obama White House who view a Clinton presidency as a third Obama term.

With that, agents have been spreading the word, largely through associates in the private sector, that their boss is getting stonewalled, despite uncovering compelling evidence that Clinton broke the law.
Don't you wish you were at all shocked by these allegations? It is sad our response instead is something like, "More lawlessness from a scofflaw administration."

Perhaps Comey will wait until after the Democrat convention, and Clinton's nomination, to publicly resign in protest of the refusal to indict. Oh, the gnashing of teeth, the rending of garments!