Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Race Card

National Journal's Josh Kraushaar writes about an unexpected source of Trump strength. The group he identifies: white Republicans who live near or mixed in with large numbers of minority Democrats.

These conservatives live in districts that, in the general election, normally give large majorities to Democrats. As you might guess, living near Democrats these Republicans dislike them even more than suburbanites whose acquaintance is more arms-length. And they are voting for Trump.
What ex­plains this dy­nam­ic? A ma­jor reas­on is that Trump’s (mainly white) sup­port­ers are dis­pro­por­tion­ately con­cen­trated near areas with many minor­it­ies, sug­gest­ing that strained race re­la­tions may have played a role in their back­ing of Trump.