Monday, March 28, 2016

Belgium Is Irrational

Since the recent terror attacks in Brussels, the MSM has been writing about failures in intelligence there. These exist, of course, both within and between European nations.

Underreported, I believe, is that Belgium is itself a failed state. Culturally, the nation is irrational. The Flemish in the north are more-or-less ethnically (and linguistically) akin to the Netherlands. The Walloons in the south and capital are ethnically French.

The central government is purposefully kept weak lest it infringe on the prerogatives of one of the two ethnic groups, to basically do their own thing. This weakness is undoubtedly reflected in the inability of the police to rein in terrorists.

One could argue that Belgium should not exist, but should be split between the Netherlands and France. Were that done, the resulting parts would, in all likelihood, be better governed.

The more affluent Flemish have talked of separation, but the less well-off Walloons need the transfer payments they get to keep the lights on, so they resist. Another real point of contention is the two sides arguing, like a hostile married couple, over which gets Brussels.