Saturday, June 4, 2016

Saturday Snickers

Time for my picks from Steven Hayward's The Week in Pictures collection of cartoons, captioned photos, and witty sayings, see the whole collection at Power Line. My favorites described:

Picture a cartoon of Bill and Hillary Clinton standing side by side, Hillary speaks first:
"50% of my cabinet will be women."
Then Bill speaks, while pumping a fist:

A couple watching a big screen TV in their living room. Onscreen a blue Muppet figure topped with white hair speaks:
"I can't wait to get back in the White House." while the screen is captioned:
"Bill Clinton, The Nooky Monster."
The husband says to his wife:
"It's a Trump ad."

A photo of a Bernie Sanders rally with wall-to-wall people waving signs, captioned:
"Nothing says you're standing up against greed ... like banding together to demand free stuff."

Two cell cartoon, first cell Trump speaking:
"People don't value things they don't pay for ...."
Second cell, we see he's speaking to the press:
"Like all the free media coverage I get from you sleazebags."

A cartoon of a toilet and a urinal turned into characters, the toilet speaks:
"I don't care what you identify as! You don't belong in the girl's bathroom."

Picture three old fashioned glasses, each filled to the midpoint.
The glass labeled Optimist is described as half full.
The glass labeled Pessimist is described as half empty.
The glass labeled Feminist is described as being raped.

Finally, a cartoon Paul Revere on horseback riding to warn the colonists. He shouts:
"The British are coming!!"
"Put up the gun-free zone signs and run to your safe space!!"