Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Actual Plan

Read the words of Robert Reich, well-known advisor to Obama and former Labor Secretary, as transcribed in American Thinker from this source on YouTube which shows a speech Reich gave at the University of California on September 26, 2007.
This is what the truth is...If you are very old, we're not going to give you all of that technology and all of those keep you alive. It's too expensive, so we're going to let you die...(We're) going to use the bargaining leverage of the federal force drug companies and insurance companies and medical suppliers to reduce their costs. That means less innovation, and that means less new products and less new drugs on the market, which means you are probably not going to live that much longer than your parents.
Who decides which "very old" folks die, one of those famous Death Panels? I can't believe Reich actually describing the brutal reality. This sounds more like a dystopia than a utopia to me, how about you?