Saturday, March 27, 2010

White Males Abandon Obama

See this article from the Albany Times Union website by David Paul Kuhn, chief political correspondent for RealClearPolitics. He writes about the extent to which white males who voted for Obama are turning away from him. He says:
It was only after the economic collapse that Obama's white male support climbed above the 38 percent ceiling. It was also at that point that Obama first sustained a clear majority among all registered voters, according to the Gallup tracking poll.

Kuhn's comparison of the governing styles of Obama and FDR is particularly interesting. Hint - he finds them quite different. I suspect Obama's style is more like that of Woodrow Wilson - professorial.

BTW, I spent 30+ years working with professors and, trust me, you don't want a professor as a president, me included. We make reasonable policy wonks, but poor executives.