Thursday, March 25, 2010

Movie Reviews

Last night we viewed the film The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock. We both liked it. She does a good job of portraying a certain kind of Southern woman who is a steel magnolia, so-called.

If you haven't lived in the South, you have no idea the commitment that goes into being a cheerleader. They start in pre-school. It was simply fun to watch Bullock bulldoze others, and to be glad we weren't among those being bulldozed. Both feminine and inexorable at the same time, this ex-cheerleader gets what she wants. We give the film two thumbs up.

Earlier in the week we watched again the three-film Bourne series: Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum. Bourne is like a young Superman in mufti, he does a lot of improbable stuff and it is fun to watch. He's not suave like Bond but everything he does is at least theoretically possible and he does it without Bond's high tech gadgets courtesy of Q. If you haven't seen these films for awhile, they are worth another look.