Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Maybe a Little....

See this Stanley Fish column in The New York Times which asks the question concerning President George W. Bush, "Do You Miss Him Yet?" It is basically a nicely written "I told you so" column.

Do I miss W yet? I am clear that I dislike different things about the Obama presidency than I disliked about the Bush years.

Bush knew enough to be friendly to nations that are our allies and ugly to nations that are not. He understood we need military strength and was willing to be tough with terrorists. And I miss Dick Cheney as Vice President.

I don't miss feeling I should defend him when he did or said stupid things. I don't miss the big spending impulse that supported a prescription drug benefit for seniors. I don't miss his sunny optimism that our way would be the best way for every country, every culture.

On balance, I guess I do miss W. I hope I live long enough to see a president I admire, respect, and agree with wholeheartedly. I think the odds are slim.