Tuesday, March 30, 2010


James P. Gannon has written a moving essay about the anger abroad in mainstreet America. It appears in The American Spectator and you can read it here. One of my favorite passages is this one:
It is the fury of the voiceless, the powerless, the ordinary nobodies of Flyover Country who are ridiculed, preached to, satirized and insulted by the Celebrity Loudmouths of the two Left Coasts.
"Two Left Coasts" is a nice turn of phrase, and sadly accurate politically. Hat tip to the good folks at Lucianne.com for the link.

What I think Gannon misses is that there is also anger on the left. Do you remember the vitriol spewed at George W. Bush and Dick Cheney? The sincere wishes expressed for their immediate and painful deaths?

Perhaps 40% of Americans pay no attention to politics and don't vote. But among the 60% who do vote, there is considerable crankiness on both sides. Bricks are being thrown through the windows of both parties. This is not an era when bipartisan cooperation is likely.