Thursday, September 23, 2021

Liz Cheney vs. Wyoming

I don’t know if you’re interested in the political future of Wyoming’s one-and-only Congressperson, Liz Cheney. As a disappointed WY voter, I certainly am. I voted for her in the past and have come to regret that I did. 

Yahoo News has a USA Today article examining her chances of reelection just over a year from now. The authors interviewed a bunch of WY voters and local Republican Party luminaries concerning her future. As you might imagine, they sought and found people on both sides. 

The Cheneys have been Republican royalty in WY for decades. However, voting to impeach a Republican President whose America First policies are highly popular here was for many a bridge too far. Come the primary next August, I’ll be voting for someone else to carry WY’s Republican banner in Washington.

Our former senator and legendary iconoclast Al Simpson predicts WY’s largely impotent Democrat minority will cross-register on primary day and vote for Cheney as a way to vote “no” on Trump. That sort of “voting for the enemy of my enemy” sounds much more European than anything we do here. 

Whatever happens, next August’s outcome will have outsize impact nationally as a referendum on the future of Trump and his policies. Representative Cheney has made a risky bet that the national Republican Party will repudiate Trump because he is flamboyant, theatrical, and candidly a bad loser. There are no signs of repudiation so far, and I’d guess the odds are long against it happening.