Thursday, September 9, 2021

Our Neville Chamberlain

The American Enterprise Institute has posted a jeremiad by WaPo columnist Marc Thiessen arguing President Biden has forfeited any ethical right to publicly commemorate the 9/11 this year. The column summarizes and documents Biden’s many malfeasances regarding the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which have handed militant Islamist jihadis another victory almost exactly 20 years later. 

Biden has gone a long way to earning the title of “America’s Neville Chamberlain,” our misreader-of-the-situation-in-chief. Thiessen - an occasional panelist on Bret Baier’s Fox News show - concludes:

By his dereliction of duty, Biden has abdicated his right to commemorate the anniversary of 9/11. The president who surrendered Afghanistan to our terrorist enemies has no business setting foot in Shanksville, where the heroes of Flight 93 launched the first American counterattack. The president who lost 13 American service members by putting their security in the hands of terrorists has no business laying a wreath at the spot where Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. The president who left our citizens and allies behind in Afghanistan and lied to the American people has no business at Ground Zero. His presence would insult the memory of those who died in that sacred place — and those who gave life and limb to deliver justice to the enemies who struck us that day.