Friday, January 7, 2022

About Yesterday

Glenn Reynolds responds approvingly to a Robert Shibley post at the Instapundit site, observing:

The worst thing a Democrat can imagine is a threat to Democrats’ political power. Islamists aren’t seen as such a threat. Meanwhile their biggest fear is that the Normal-American community will rise up and take back control of the country and its institutions. All the media censorship, charges of “white supremacy,” etc. is just designed to prevent that.

Yep, it happened in 2016 and Democrats have been absolutely foaming-at-the-mouth berserk ever since, never more so than yesterday. Hence, imbecilic comments like “the greatest threat to America is rightwing extremism.” Actually, the real “greatest threat” is the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, him and his caregivers.