Friday, January 28, 2022

Baier Has the Goods

Within the week past on his nightly Special Report for Fox News, Bret Baier has laid out evidence that shows government "scientists" privately believed the Covid virus came from the Wuhan lab, while publicly attributing it to natural causes.

Baier has furthermore inferred, without exactly saying as much, that these individuals found it in their personal interests to lie to the public which pays their salaries. For some the reason was multi-million dollar grants which, from some perspectives, can be viewed as bribes. For others it was their responsibility for funding gain of function research at the Wuhan virology lab - research viewed as so dangerous that U.S. law prohibits it.

I wrote a couple of days ago that I trust science as a system of understanding reality, but do not automatically trust individual scientists or science administrators. Some government agencies are headed by crap weasels.

It was to this body of evidence cited by Baier that I was alluding. If you can access that couple of recent reports Baier did on the virus' origin story, it is a damning indictment and well worth your time to watch. Or read a write-up of the evidence here.