Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Amistad Project

Perhaps you have questions about the 2020 presidential election that have not been, and likely will never be, answered to your satisfaction. I have a link for you to a RealClearPolitics discussion of the findings of the Amistad Project which has reached seven conclusions about the manner it was run. Here is a Cliff Notes version for those in a hurry.

  1. Many key government election offices received more private money than taxpayer money to manage the election.
  2. A majority of that money was spent in a sophisticated effort to turn out the vote of a specific profile of voter in order to benefit one candidate.
  3. These expenditures greatly exceeded campaign finance limits and violated laws and systems designed to keep government neutral in managing elections.
  4. These private interests dictated the manner in which the election would be managed.
  5. Amistad litigation and investigation have revealed that a handful of partisan billionaires funneled funds through a collection of left-leaning nonprofits directly into the counting centers of the urban core of swing states.
  6. Ballots and voters were treated differently based on access to these funds.
  7. A series of lawsuits by the left — and executive branch use of “emergency police powers” due to COVID-19 — radically changed the management of the 2020 election, resulting in different treatment of ballots and voters within several states.

It is elsewhere alleged Mark Zuckerberg spent many millions purchasing the election outcome he preferred. If true, it makes claims democracy is now endangered both too little and far too late.