Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Confidence in Science, and Scientists links to an Associated Press article found in The Washington Times. It reports the findings of polling research done by NORC at the U. of Chicago, which looks at the extent to which Democrats and Republicans trust the findings of science. Not terribly surprisingly, Republicans are less trusting (34%) of science than are Democrats (64%).

I don't find these results particularly unusual or out of the ordinary, it turns out that the "scientists" who work for FedGov have been all over the block in their pronouncements and recommendations, and have unfairly accused those who haven't followed their policy line slavishly of being anti-science.

Let me be clear, I do trust science. I don't necessarily trust individual scientists whose views can be swayed by politics or by who is funding their research. 

Real science moves human knowledge forward by empirical means and welcomes critiques and opposing views, when these are data-based. Science filtered through government bureaus becomes politicized and 'massaged' to fit the preferred narrative. 

Bottom line: trust science, distrust those who claim to speak for it.