Saturday, December 24, 2022

Our Merry Christmas Wish

Dear Readers, all day today is known as Christmas Eve, a rather typical terminology inflation. Some families do their main celebration tonight, others wait for tomorrow morning. 

My own family is scattered across the western U.S. and makes no effort to convene. The other DrC‘s kin,  with whom we celebrate, are clustered in central CA from the Bay Area to the Sierra foothills. We actually did our get-together last Saturday. 

I wasn’t involved in the decision-making but I suspect the date was chosen as a scheduling compromise. Whenever, and with whomever you meet to celebrate the Season, have a happy and joyous event and avoid arguing about politics.

The DrsC wish you a Merry Christmas, a loving family, a groaning table laden with treats, and decent weather to ease the travel involved in gathering. Be safe and well.