Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Dems Dead in Wyoming

You've seen me write about how very Republican Wyoming is today, how Democrats sometimes don’t run a candidate against the Republican for state office. Don’t take my word for it, see a discussion of the D’s lousy turnout in southwestern Wyoming.

Intriguingly, the “green” policies of the national Democrats aren’t terribly popular among WY union members whose livelihoods depend directly or indirectly on coal and oil extraction. Imagine that, how predictable.

The D party Poobah quoted as expecting WY Republicans to tear each other to shreds is dreaming. He needs to revisit the votes Liz Cheney didn’t get in last August’s Republican primary. 

If you added the few votes for Cheney to those for the state’s Democrats you aren’t close to a majority. In our state the GOPe is a toothless “tabby.”