Friday, December 23, 2022

More Dangerous Than Combat

Instapundit links to a UPI story reporting med school research chronicled in JAMA Network Open.

Young men living in certain high-violence ZIP codes in Chicago and Philadelphia run a greater risk of firearm death than military personnel who served in recent U.S. wars, according to findings published online Dec. 22 in JAMA Network Open.

Young men in Chicago's most violent ZIP code were more than three times as likely to experience gun-related death compared to soldiers sent to Afghanistan, the researchers found, while those in Philadelphia's most violent area were nearly twice as likely to be shot to death.

Black and Hispanic men represented 96% of those who were fatally shot, and 97% of those injured in a shooting, according to the report.

About these findings, Reynolds had the following comment:

See, this kind of gives away the game, undercutting the usual argument that it’s the availability of guns that’s responsible. Of course, we’ve known this for years, it’s just been too inconvenient to The Narrative to talk about it.

By “The Narrative” Reynolds means the typical wrong-headed Bidenesque rant about guns being the problem. The problem is a violent culture among certain sub-populations in the U.S. which have attained “victim” status and therefore cannot be criticized by the woke.