Sunday, March 24, 2024

Carville on the Mom Party

Here's a not bad quote from Dem political maven James Carville, aka "the Ragin' Cajun." He's talking to Maureen Dowd and her NYT column is (probably) pirated by the site The topic, what's wrong with his party.

"A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females” dominating the culture of his party. "‘Don’t drink beer. Don’t watch football. Don’t eat hamburgers. This is not good for you.’ The message is too feminine: ‘Everything you’re doing is destroying the planet. You’ve got to eat your peas.’"

And about the Biden age issue, he adds:

"Don’t tell me that Biden has more energy or cognition than Trump because it’s evident that, yeah, Trump’s got word salads, but he projects energy,” Carville said. “He’s insane. He’s a criminal of the first order. But he does have a little timing and a little sense of humor and knows how to move from one story to the other.”

It's more than "a little," Sunny Jim. Big Don has a ton of platform skills. A few of which are skills Pedo Joe remembers having, but lost somewhere along the way.