Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Biden Hustle

One of the things President Biden spoke about tonight was a tax on multi-millionaires and corporations. He claims this wouldn't hurt the middle class, and of course he is entirely incorrect in that assertion.

Taxing the wealthy encourages them to move their legal residences to off-shore tax havens, inevitably taking a fair bit of their expenditures elsewhere in the process.

Increased corporate taxes will be reflected more or less immediately in increased prices for the goods and services they provide. Take it from an old business school prof, corporate taxes are regarded by firms' cost accountants as business expenses, every bit as much as labor costs, rent and raw material purchases are.

He raises their taxes, they raise their prices. The taxes will hit all firms so they will all raise prices. Price rises are inflationary, you get less for your dollar than previously. Thus corporate taxes will be indirectly paid by you, one way or another.

Biden is letting millions of unskilled poor into the country and they will be an enormous burden on the welfare, justice, and penal systems. He needs your extra taxes to pay for their care and/or incarceration, 

If you won't pay the taxes, he will borrow the money in your name. This he views as "buying" the illegals' votes next time Democrats have control of the executive and legislative branches of government so he can issue them blanket citizenship.

Bottom line: Biden doesn't like the electorate he faces, is in the process of importing one more to his liking, and hopes to make you pay for it. This he can only do if you allow him another term. May I suggest you refrain from doing so?