Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Welcoming Spring

Today is the spring equinox, when throughout the globe each day has exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. Another way of thinking about it is that today the north and south poles are equidistant from the sun.

Officially, in the Northern Hemisphere the season known as spring begins today, a bit earlier than normal which would be tomorrow, the 21st. Likewise, in the Southern Hemisphere, autumn begins today.

Each season lasts three months, per meteorological officialdom. The local reality may very well differ. For example, here on the eastern edge of the Mojave Desert, we began experiencing spring maybe a month ago, and it is well and truly upon us by now. Someday soon we'll switch the HVAC system from heat to cooling.

Similarly, at our residence-of-record in the western Wyoming Rockies, there is still a bunch of snow on the ground (today's photo below) and anything recognizable as spring is probably a month away. With any luck we should be relocated there in early May.