Monday, March 11, 2024

Three Milestones

Saturday night we shifted to Daylight Savings Time, and revisited the controversy that attends it. I don’t experience it as problematic, possibly because for the past 3 decades we have hopped among time zones as a result of our travels. 

Jet lag I do get to varying degrees of severity. A shift of one hour no es un problema.

Friday will be the infamous Ides of March. Let’s hope our leaders have better luck than did poor Julius Caesar on this fateful day. 

Two days later is St. Patrick’s Day when we celebrate all things Irish. Prominent among these is drinking to excess.


I’m reminded of the way my former university reacted to St. Paddy’s Day. Our students would drink all day-and-night and, as is sometimes the case, have negative consequences including the occasional case of alcohol poisoning.

Parents seemed to think the U should keep this from happening, which we were unable to do. Eventually it was decided to always schedule our spring break, formerly associated with Easter, so it included St. Patrick’s Day in the 7+2=9 days when the U wasn’t “in session.”

This did actually reduce drinking as many of the students scattered - went home or to Cabo. Whatever they experienced wasn’t our responsibility. 

Problem solved or, more accurately, shifted to others’ shoulders. Local bar owners weren’t best pleased.