Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Peacock Lays Egg

Borrowing wordplay a site I follow uses, just NBC the egg on that network's face. Hiring former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel and then having to let her go four days later in the face of a meltdown by on-air "talent." 

God forbid NBC News should act like an actual news site interested in the views of the political spectrum represented by our two major parties. It is clear that kind of balance is not what their supposed "talent" signed on for, and they simply aren't having it.

In today's disastrously bad employment market for news types, NBC management should have given the cranky "talent" a choice. Either shut up and play nice, or quit and look for work.

Caving to the NBC staff echoes what happened when the New York Times ran an opinion piece by Sen, Tom Cotton (R-AR, no known relation). Their staff rebelled and an editor who approved it for publication lost his job.

In both cases, the organizations have revealed themselves to be unashamed propaganda apologists for the Democrat Party. Neither can be taken seriously for actual news that has political content.